Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Sign-Topper Celebration/ April Golf Social

 At the end of February the county erected 75 signs-toppers atop every intersection in the neighborhood proudly proclaiming us as a Historic Designated neighborhood. 

 From an idea to reality over the course of the last 10 years residents and supporters have come together to meet a common goal. From canvassing the neighborhood, to crossing the t’s and dotting the i’s with local government, fundraising and coordinating the purchase and installation of the signs it has legitimately “taken a village”.

Last Friday our beautiful community celebrated the conclusion of this decade long project with a very special edition of our bi-annual Golf Social. In the excitement we neglected to capture the event in photos. However, in honor of the occasion this slideshow was put together to showcase everything that makes our neighborhood unique. 

You’ll see we are not just neighborhood with rich history of fabulous Mid-Century architecture but a true community of people who are more than neighbors, they are friends.